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Balingup Farm visits

Bookings essential for all visits. Pre-buying Tickets will be available soon.

Property addresses will be provided once payment has been received.  People may be admitted on the day if there is still space available.


Farm Visits - Saturday 12 April 2025


13.30-14.30    WAKAINGA Farm

Own Transport – $5 p/p - kids free


‘Wakainga” is a 17Ha (42 acres) lifestyle property located 5km East of Balingup. Most of the land is cleared and divided into 6 paddocks. The owners breed Wiltipoll sheep and run between 40 and 60 breeders and lambs. Wiltipoll are a medium framed self-shedding sheep breed that are easy to handle, don’t need shearing and are not prone to fly strike. The property boasts two areas of native forest as well as areas of Eastern States eucalypts and deciduous varieties.  With 3 bee hives, a vegetable garden, fruit trees and an extensive lawn / garden area, it is an epitome of quality country lifestyle.



11.30-12.30    HUFF’  PUFF COTTAGE

Own Transport – $5 p/p - kids free


Find out how a strawbale house was built in just five months in 2005 by an owner builder with zero building experience……and twenty years on, it not only still standing but looks great! You’ll see the photos and some of the ‘tools of the trade’ needed to build with strawbale. You’ll also hear the full story - what went wrong, what went right and what it cost.

The owner will also explain how she and a small group of Balingup residents managed to rezone a 5-acre block as a mature lifestyle strata development – creating six lots for the over 55’s.



09.30-11:00    Southampton Homestead Farm

Own Transport.  $5 p/p - kids free


This is a 120-acre family farm located on the banks of the Blackwood River (Goorbilyup).  The farm produces pasture-raised chickens from paddock to plate using ecological, ethical and stress-free farming methods, and runs a small processing facility. Southampton Homestead received a Landcare award in 2016 for Innovation in Sustainable Farm Practices. The chickens are moved daily to fresh pasture and work alongside a herd of grazing cows – a practice known as planned grazing.   Apart from a diet of insects, soil and diverse pasture, the birds are also fed a supplement of fermented feed to develop their gut bacteria and to provide additional protein.

The logo of Southampton farm is “it’s all alive, it’s all intelligent and it’s all connected”.


Farm Visits - Sunday 13 April 2025

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